Anlage Research Group

High Frequency Superconductivity, Microscopy, Nanophysics, and Chaos


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Time-Reversed Wave Propagation

Hidden messages recorded backwards on a phonograph record could be deciphered by playing the record on a reversed turntable.  However, the science and technology of playing sounds, or electromagnetic waves, backwards in time turns out to be far more interesting than any of those old backmasked messages on Beatles albums.  Exploiting time-reversal invariance of the lossless wave equation leads to some surprising effects and is enabling remarkable new technologies.  The forward/backward symmetry of wave propagation is exploited in a device known as a “time-reversal mirror.”  Such devices actually operate best under conditions where the waves are strongly and randomly scattered, making time-reversed wave propagation of great practical utility.  Furthermore, the time-reversed waves can be made to collapse in a very brief time interval and in a very localized manner in space.  Here we give an overview of the science and technology of this remarkable symmetry of nature, including development of a new sensor paradigm for detecting changes in complex environments, directed wireless communication, and wireless power transfer.  

This work is done in collaboration with Profs. Ed Ott and Tom Antonsen, as well as Gemstone team TESLA, of the University of Maryland and is supported by the IC Post-Doc program, as well as AFOSR and ONR.

We won the University of Maryland 2016-17 Invention of the Year Award for our work on wireless power transfer!   See the article in Terp magazine!

Prof. Anlage advised Gemstone team TESLA - a group of undergraduate researchers at UMD exploring the use of time-reversal techniques as a new wireless power transfer technology.  The team won the BEST PAPER award at the 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference in Portugal!

Alice and Bob Go Nonlinear! A Synopsis of our work on nonlinear time-reversal on the APS Physics web site

Synthetic sona movie. This movie illustrates the improvement in a time-reversed collapsing waveform (bottom trace at 9.025 us) as more short orbits are added to the synthetic sona (top trace). See the paper “Focusing Waves at an Arbitary Location in a Ray-Chaotic Enclosure Using Time-Reversed Synthetic Sonas” listed below.

Papers: (All papers can be downloaded from the full publication list)

Steven M. Anlage, John Rodgers, Sameer Hemmady, James Hart, Thomas M. Antonsen, Edward Ott, "New Results in Chaotic Time-Reversed Electromagnetics: High Frequency One-Recording-Channel Time Reversal Mirror," Acta Physica Polonica A 112, 569 (2007). pdf

Biniyam Tesfaye Taddese, Michael Johnson, James Hart, Thomas Antonsen, Edward Ott, Steven M. Anlage, “Chaotic Time-Reversed Acoustics: Sensitivity of the Loschmidt Echo to Perturbations,”Acta Physica Polonica A, 116, 729-732 (2009). pdf

Biniyam Tesfaye Taddese, James Hart , Thomas M. Antonsen, Edward Ott, and Steven M. Anlage, “Sensor Based on Extending the Concept of Fidelity to Classical Waves,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 , 114103 (2009). pdf

Biniyam Tesfaye Taddese, Thomas M. Antonsen, Edward Ott, and Steven M. Anlage, “Sensing Small Changes in a Wave Chaotic Scattering System,” J. Appl. Phys. 108, 114911 (2010). pdf     

Biniyam Tesfaye Taddese, Thomas M. Antonsen, Edward Ott, Steven M. Anlage, “Iterative Time Reversal with Tunable Convergence,” Electronics Letters 47, 1165-1167 (2011). pdf

Matthew Frazier, Biniyam Taddese, Thomas Antonsen, Steven M. Anlage, “Nonlinear Time-Reversal in a Wave Chaotic System,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 063902 (2013). pdf

Sun K. Hong, Biniyam T. Taddese, Zachary B. Drikas, Steven M. Anlage, Tim D. Andreadis, “Focusing an arbitrary RF pulse at a distance using time-reversal techniques,” J. Electromag. Waves and Apps. 27, 1262-1275 (2013). pdf

Biniyam T. Taddese, Gabriele Gradoni, Franco Moglie, Thomas M Antonsen, Edward Ott, Steven Mark Anlage, “Quantifying Volume Changing Perturbations in a Wave Chaotic System,” New J. Phys. 15, 023025 (2013)pdf

Matthew Frazier, Biniyam Taddese, Bo Xiao, Thomas Antonsen, Edward Ott, Steven M. Anlage, “Nonlinear Time-Reversal of Classical Waves: Experiment and Model,” Phys. Rev. E 88, 062910 (2013)pdf

Biniyam T. Taddese, Thomas M Antonsen, Edward Ott, Steven Mark Anlage, “The effects of non-uniform loss on time reversal mirrors,” AIP Advances 4, 087138 (2014). pdf

Sun K. Hong, Victor M. Mendez, Trystan Koch, Walter S. Wall and Steven M. Anlage, “Nonlinear Electromagnetic Time Reversal in an Open Semireverberant System,” Phys. Rev. Applied 2, 044013 (2014). pdf

Bo Xiao, Thomas M. Antonsen, Edward Ott, and Steven M. Anlage, “Focusing Waves at an Arbitary Location in a Ray-Chaotic Enclosure Using Time-Reversed Synthetic Sonas.” Phys. Rev. E 93, 052205 (2016). pdf

Frank Cangialosi, Tyler Grover, Patrick Healey, Tim Furman, Andrew Simon and Steven M. Anlage, “Time Reversed Electromagnetic Wave Propagation as a Novel Method of Wireless Power Transfer,” 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), pp. 1 – 4 (2016). pdf

Scott Roman, Rahul Gogna, Steven M. Anlage, “Selective Collapse of Nonlinear Time Reversed Electromagnetic Waves,” 2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), pp. 1 – 4 (2016). pdf

Steven M. Anlage, “Unique Applications of Time-Reversed Electromagnetic Waves,” Talk at the 2018 IEEE EMC/SIPI Conference . pdf


Gemstone Team TESLA
Team TESLA Junior Colloquium, Fall 2014  
Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111
Phone: (301) 405-7321 Fax: (301) 405-3779
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