Anlage Research Group

High Frequency Superconductivity, Microscopy, Quantum Physics, and Chaos
Prof. Anlage and his daughter on Mt.Kilimanjaro, June, 2018


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UM NanoScience Center

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Explore our research activities in condensed matter physics and nonlinear dynamics.

Link to our NSF/RINGS collaboration web site

Press Release about our work on the electrodynamics of UTe2

Press Release on our Nature Communications paper on Coherent Perfect Absorption

Former student Bakhrom Oripov has built the world's largest (superconducting) single-photon camera!

Prof. Anlage receives MURI grant on Taming Chaotic Systems Using AI

We have proposed a complex version of time delay in lossy (non-Hermitian) scattering systems

Please suport the Kharkiv Quantum Seminar

Google Scholar webpage

Physics Tree

Congratualtions to our newest Ph.D. graduates!   

2024: Jingnan Cai

2022: Shukai Ma, Cougar Garcia, Bo Xiao, Lei Chen

Recently published: Experimental Realization of Anti-Unitary Wave-Chaotic Photonic Topological Insulator Graphs Showing Kramers Degeneracy and Symplectic Ensemble Statistics

Recently published in Advanced Quantum Technologies:, Anomalous Loss Reduction Below Two-Level System Saturation in Aluminum Superconducting Resonators
Fundamental Electrodynamics of Superconductors
Negative Index of Refraction Metamaterials
Fluctuations and Phase Transitions
Laser Scanning Microscopy of Superconducting Microwave Devices
Microwave Microscopy
Nonlinear Properties of Superconductors
nm-Resolution Microwave Microscopes
Local Linear and Nonlinear Dielectric Microscopy
Electromagnetic Field Imaging
Chaos Nanophysics
Prof. Anlage Schedule
Experimental Quantum Chaos
Chaos in Nonlinear Circuits
Time-Reversed Wave Propagation

Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Electrodynamics

Introduction to Microwave Measurements
Maryland Quantum Materials Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4111 USA
Phone: +1 (301) 405-7321 Fax: +1 (301) 405-3779
Copyright © 2008-2024 University of Maryland
Contact us with comments, questions and feedback: anlage 'at'